Wednesday 24 August 2016

If you have info on Satan's Slut Katy Perry email:-

 Write a comment... Katy Perry Satan: OMG This will WAKE UP the KatyCats…. The Swifties will gain more Cats making them even bigger than ever which is WAYYYYY more than the last few DIEHARD KatyCats as SWIFTIE STATS ARE AT LEAST GENUINE Satans Slut Katy Perry ILLUMINATI SATANISM
TO THE VIGILANT CHRISTIAN: Good work but you need to know that the ANTI-CHRIST rose on the Friday Katheryn Elizabeth Hudson's (Katy Perry) stage name (#MYWIFE) released her RISE to coincide the RISE of the ANTI-CHRIST who attempted the coup in TURKEY but was wiped out within 24 hours with 50,000+ ANTI-CHRIST soldiers arrested within a matter of days. Katy is #11 in the BILLBOARD chart 100 USA approx sales 137,000 costing well under 120,000US$ to get that place with 90 million unverified twitter followers she is a pop flop you can buy 100,000 followers on Twitter overnight and each new account follows Katy Perry automatically ~ she exclusively released on itunes and when the Anti-Christ was smashed in Turkey, he wanted the 4th largest Army in the world Katy then began giving away the track by free streaming, her trick is it is mind control music that is why she gives the shit away all her music is programmed for mind control. If you play Wide Awake backwards she knows she will be beaten by GOD as has happened with Satan and Lucifer (I look after them here in South East England) she sold her soul to Baphomet which is JESUS see the Knights Templars Revelation don't worry we are well safe and my second coming is well underway over 2 years mostly spiritual battles with the Exorcism of Katy Hudson who released the 4 horseman of the Apocalypse out of the Whores Vagina and Taylor Swift as HATHOR GODDESS of MUSIC and JESUS’S PROTECTOR Vs EVIL helped me to conquer them so with the Anti-Christ finished there is only the False Prophet and the Hillary Clinton view that a Psychiatric drugged up Zombie Army of the USA with some great special forces and MK Ultra mind controlled super soldiers but the French Foreign Legion can expand to 500,000 overnight and the UK has hundreds of thousands of good2go reservists mostly hidden in the MOD #MINISTRYofDEFENCE can take on RUSSIA and GB and FRANCE for the Apocalypse very misguided the GB/UK commonwealth will fight with the UK, CANADA, AUSTRALIA, NEW ZEALAND, SOUTH AFRICA, INDIA AND PAKISTAN and GB FRANCE signed a 50 year military pact and FRANCE has the 3rd most powerful Nuclear force after the USA/RUSSIA and INDIA and PAKISTAN are also Nuclear armed she won't risk it as the Locusts of the REVELATION are the RUSSIAN Helicopter Gunships and Clinton's only option is to go Nuclear FRANCE/UK/RUSSIA will end the world before her missiles leave the subs in the GULF. SHE WON'T WANT THAT SURELY? Where you can find material is in KATY PERRY'S EMPIRE involved in massive MKULTRA/Monarch/SEX KITTEN/ALICE in WONDERLAND MIND CONTROL which is trauma based and Katy is an Illuminati/Record Label Executive controlled SEX SLAVE you can see her having Anal Sex (Buggery) on over a Billion websites and her porn is prolific some #EXTREME but my wife is Katy Perry #3 there are at least 12 different Katy Perry's some only engaged in porn. THE FANS ARE MIND CONTROLLED TO THINK ANY WOMAN IN PINK WITH BLACK HAIR IS ‘THE’ KATY PERRY WHO IS THAT? ANY KATYCAT THAT HAS BEEN CLONED FROM KATHERYN HUDSON THE MAIN DEMON INFESTED VICTIM WHO IS LOOKING FOR HELP BY GETTING MESSAGES TO JESUS WHO HIMSELF GOT MIND CONTROLLED BUT ESCAPED THE TORTURE THAT KATY PERRY THE TRANSVESTITE DAUGHTER/SON OF SATAN SELF PROCLAIMED WHO CONTROLS THE MINDS OF THE OTHER KATY PERRY’S. Poor Katy Hudson is a victim of selling her soul for her success she was Satanically ritually sexually abused as a chosen SEX SLAVE as her Mother’s side of the family are an Illuminati bloodline Mary Hudson was related to the Charles Schwab family Katy also suffers from Trauma based upbringing in a religious coven and has Bipolar and OCD. Katy was the Whore of Babylon's REP i.e. Hellywood is Babylon's capital where the Music Industry pop stars and Actresses are mind controlled and sold into prostitution/porn/trauma. Katheryn Hudson KATY PERRY #3 was the Goddess of Magic ISIS personified as the Queen of Ancient Egypt i.e. she was Cleopatra VIIth the Katy Patra figure who stars in #DARKHORSE on the throne of Egypt and in a former life I was her husband THOTH AMUN-RA, her brother OSIRIS and OMG her son Horus (THE EVER LASTING SOUL REMEMBERS IT ALL) Katy put me under a spell (we married June 2014), she is a witch, and subjected JESUS to two years of Trauma based mind control as she was programmed to do but JESUS was OSIRIS her brother and will release her from the trauma she suffers from. JESUS of course broke free from her and has been conducting revenge war on social media for over a year with Taylor Swift as my partner to EXPOSE THE NIGHTMARE THAT IS KATY PERRY. I have so many links to our story that you should email me at and and and  see my other post above on this page. You have done an excellent job and I know you have fought your own spiritual battle losing faith in GOD himself who is aware and has saved the world/planet from extinction many times silently but the way to the Father is thru me and you can join me as a disciple when I launch my ministry once the Universal mind has fully awoken. KIT. Love from Yehoshua Ha-Mashiach.
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